Scheduled Banners and Template Parts in WordPress

It is normal when we meet requirement to show/hide any section by time change. I mean when we meet a plugin or theme, it is possible to create a section which displays Content A for T1 time interval, and which diplays Content B for T2 time interval.

I give 3 common examples for such cases.

1. To switch banner image when day ends and night begins and vice-versa.
2. Weekend section – to show weekend special section. It appear when Saturday arrives, and disappears when Monday arrives.
3. Time interval specific section or Campaign section – It appears when the given campaign is active. (for example between 28-31th days of the month)

scheduled banner for wordpress

And all of these should be automatized. I mean, we should not to edit any code by arriving/ending of the given dates. All of these can be scheduled and automatized.

So let’s write sample codes for these 3 cases: (This codes don’t contain any part about managing datetime parameters via administrative interface. The codes are simple and do exactly the needed things)

1. Day-Night Banner Switching:

Weekend Banner Section:

Campaign Section for the given datetimes:

Of course, when we have global targeted project, these codes may not be enough, we may need additional Client-Time zone argument to set. To get it is not problem, we can get it through AJAX. We have related article about this topic, passing cookie via AJAX.

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