Set different “products per page” number for specified WooCommerce Category

You might want to get different product per pages for each category.

For example for Phones category, you want to display 10 phones per page, for Furniture, you want only 4 products per page, for Accessories, you want to display 100 products per page.

To achieve that is easy, here is how:

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Remove parent categories from WooCommerce Related Products

Remove parent categories from WooCommerce Related Products

Say you are selling Phones, Tablets, Smart Watches etc. – and all of those are children of parent category called Gadgets. In this case you have probably faced non-relevant related-products in product-single page of your WooCommerce website.

So, the idea is this: To remove parent categories from related-categories algorithm and to force WooCommerce to show related categories by last child category only (tablets for a tablet, phones for a phone etc. not tablets for a phone)

So let’s write small snippet for this:

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Cookie based permission in htaccess – restrict WordPress admin access by IP address

In my previous post about htaccess based restriction i showed how to restrict wp-admin or other file/page access by IP address. That’s very good solution when we are using VPN static IP.

But if we are using multiple connections (office, home, caffee, or multiple VPN-s with different IP addresses), then we need to have some easier solution.

And that can be cookie-based permission. Let’s see how to do that.

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Ready to use snippet for WP REST API

WP-REST is great tool to connect 3rd party applications to your website and interact with it.

If you want to use it deeply in your website, you need to go to official website and read its handbook.

but what if you just want to use it for some small task and you don’t want to lose more time on reading docs? Then you might need JS code for frontend, and some backend codes for initialization and processing.

In this article i am giving you ready to use snippet, you just put it to your theme’s functions.php and it works.

Of course you will need to change the codes inside response function. In my example i am giving you an example which counts post_views.

Let’s create simple WordPress rest api custom endpoint. Here we go:

Continue reading “Ready to use snippet for WP REST API”

How to log all WP-admin activities in WordPress

If you have several admin accounts, it is usual to see some options, settings changes where there is no any trace to see who has done that any change.

Of course it is not about Post, Page updates, they have some information about who updated the given post object.

But for the rest wp-admin pages there is no such trace collector.

Such kind of data can be useful if you have suspicion that someone you don’t have stolen admin password and logs in to your wp-admin as a wordpress ghost admin. So this snippet might be helpful when you want to stop/prevent wordpress admin panel hack too.

So, let’s write small snippet which will collect, who and when did any activity inside wp-admin.

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WooCommerce – Add short link support when it returns 404

This quick post is about the issue when in WooCommerce website your WP short links (aka WordPress Plain URL) returns 404 error.

f.e. should open (redirected to user friendly URL) the page of single post, where 912 is the ID of that post.

But in some WooCommerce websites due to complex permalinks rules, this redirection doesn’t work.

The reason is simple – The route requires the value for post_type – in order to determine what kind of post type is that $_GET[“p”] is.

So, let’s just help the route to find it:

Continue reading “WooCommerce – Add short link support when it returns 404”

Neural Network that finds what season the given day belongs to

Neural Network - find what season it is

Today i am creating new category branch in my blog, where i will post simple and useful AI snippets that is very easy to implement. My main focus would be E-Commerce and mining useful data from WordPress user sessions.

As a start, i will post very simple starter example.

I will use JavaScript based AI engines in general – simply because those are very easy to implement, work in browser, don’t require any software installation. So you will be able create neural network online without installing any tool.

So, let’s get started.

Continue reading “Neural Network that finds what season the given day belongs to”

Remove pagination trails from WooCommerce Breadcrumb

Today i am sharing small snippet that removes Pagination Trail from WooCommerce breadcrumbs.

Some shop owners may dislike this built-in feature and would like remove WooCommerce pagination links from WooCommerce navigation breadcrumb.

First let’s see how is before-after state of this change.



Now let’s write a snippet for that:

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