How to Force a Plugin to Claim Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS

If you want to try WooCommerce HPOS in your website and it says some plugins are incompatible with HPOS, then you should check those plugins’ code first. First make sure their codes don’t contain “update_post_meta or get_post_meta for orders. (for products it is ok). If they have, it can cause a problem. If you are …

Remove parent categories from WooCommerce Related Products

Say you are selling Phones, Tablets, Smart Watches etc. – and all of those are children of parent category called Gadgets. In this case you have probably faced non-relevant related-products in product-single page of your WooCommerce website. So, the idea is this: To remove parent categories from related-categories algorithm and to force WooCommerce to show …

WooCommerce – Add short link support when it returns 404

This quick post is about the issue when in WooCommerce website your WP short links (aka WordPress Plain URL) returns 404 error. f.e. should open (redirected to user friendly URL) the page of single post, where 912 is the ID of that post. But in some WooCommerce websites due to complex permalinks rules, this …

Remove pagination trails from WooCommerce Breadcrumb

Today i am sharing small snippet that removes Pagination Trail from WooCommerce breadcrumbs. Some shop owners may dislike this built-in feature and would like remove WooCommerce pagination links from WooCommerce navigation breadcrumb. First let’s see how is before-after state of this change. Before: After: Now let’s write a snippet for that: